Faculty Instructional videos

📽️ The following are a selection of mini lectures, microtutorials, and other short instructional videos made for UT and Texas State University:

Writing Great InstructionsForms in MSWordHow to:BOC Tool ChartHow To:Colorful DividersOverlap Images/Dividers
This video was provided to TXST instructors seeking their online teaching certification. This video provides a structured way to provide students with assignment instructions.


Mini lecture created for FEMA eAcademy trainers and other faculty development needs, Fall 2019.
This is an instructional mini lecture created for our Foundations and Advanced Online Course Design and Development hybrid course, specifically the Building Online Community discussion.

This microtutorial was created to help faculty create colorful dividers in Sakai.

This is a microtutorial explaining to Texas State University faculty how to create overlapping images and dividers on a lesson page in Sakai.