Online Faculty Development Mini Lectures

📽️ Mini lectures are vital components in online instruction providing a sense of instructor presence in addition to topic instructor expertise. Research shows that mini lectures should be less <20 minutes in length at the maximum, and ideally < 10 min. I have a few under my belt that I’d redo now. Each of my videos are captioned in advance of a faculty development event, as a means of being proactive as needed and to model its importance to my faculty development participants. The following are some select mini lecture style presentations for recent online faculty development events:


ADDIECopyrightHybrid Courses Intro VideoPlanning MatrixIntroduction to Rubrics
Mini lecture created for FEMA eAcademy trainers, Fall 2019.
This is mini lecture created for FEMA eAcademy trainers, Fall 2019.
This mini lecture was created to help faculty new to hybrid teaching understand just what the idea meant.
Mini lecture created for instructors on designing courses beginning with a Planning Matrix.

This mini lecture was created as a supplement to an iRubrics training provided by IT. Its purpose was to provide understanding of what rubrics could do for both students and teachers.